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Avesta Book in Persian


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The author of the book, Mr. Ahmad Nouri, says: “Today, the knowledge of Avestan studies is needed more and more, and the more we get acquainted with Iranian studies, history and culture of Iran, we realize that Iranology is impossible and insufficient without knowing Avesta.”

History of Avesta:

Parts of the Avesta have been written by many people in different eras, but only a part of the hymns is from Zarathustra himself. Avesta writings include the worship of Ahura Mazda and Amshaspandan and other gods and symbols of nature and human needs in the world of heaven and hell and national stories.


  • Size:24 x 18
  • Book Cover Type: Leather
  • Paper type: Transcription
  • Writer: Ahmad Nouri
  • Language of book: Persian

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