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About modern Persian art

modern persian art

Persian art is a perfect tool for decorating living rooms, rooms, reception areas, or any space. Many modern paintings are well-liked because of their thought-provoking nature. Many people value modern paintings based on how much they can spark a conversation with house guests or office clients.

These paintings can open the mind to a new perspective of the world, stir emotions or simply be a beautiful effect on a room. In Persian art, these paintings are not only admired for their beauty but also some of them seem like an investment that may fetch a very good repurchase price. Buyers of modern paintings should know these 10 most popular styles of modern paintings and know how to distinguish them from each other.

modern persian art

modern persian art

Types of modern styles of Persian art

Modern Persian art was a response to the rigid styles of the old French institutions. The emergence of modern styles began in the 1860s and continued until the 1970s. This type of art refers to painting styles that avoid realism and traditional methods. Instead, he experiments with different materials and styles. In the following, we will introduce the popular styles that represent the modern Persian art movement.


Abstract refers to painting styles that do not use pictorial realities as a reference for painting. Instead, the artist addresses the subject and makes it simple. Colors and shapes are used to show emotions and a view of the artist’s inner world. The various types of abstract art styles that have emerged include the following list:

  • Abstract expressionism
  • Color field
  • Cubism
  • Lyrical abstraction

These types are only a part of abstract Persian art paintings. Choosing among these styles depends on the person’s taste as well as the environment where the painting resides, whether it is a bedroom, living room, or office space.

Abstract art

Abstract art


Surrealism is a style of modern painting that juxtaposes diverse images to create a surprising effect. The images in this painting are often illogical and dreamlike. Surrealist paintings emphasize the unconscious. Among the popular surrealist painters, Salvador Dali, Max Ernst, Valentino Hugo, Joan Miro, and Tine can be mentioned.

Surrealism art

Surrealism art

Conceptual art

Conceptual art is a style of modern Persian art. In this style, the artist believes that concepts (perceptions) are more important than the artwork itself. Many conceptual artists believed that the work was complete when they depicted a work. In fact, most conceptual art is just a set of guidelines. Rarely can this type of art be seen as just a painting, for example, it often combines elements of Persian sculpture and installation art. Marcel Duchamp, Yoko Ono, Yves Klein, and Robert Rauschenberg are some of the prominent conceptual artists.

Pop art

Iranian folk-art paintings have been a response to the abstract expressionism style that British artists of the mid-1950s believed to be very different from the reality of daily life. Folk art revolves around world topics such as comic books, advertisements, celebrities, and other subjects that we deal with daily. This style was a return to realism in art. The prominent artists in this field are Jasper Jones, Andy Warhol, Tom Wesselman, and Wayne Thibaud.


As the name suggests, a photorealistic painting is a painting that looks as real as a photograph. This style is done by taking a picture of the subject (object) and then painting it. Photorealism is an artistic movement influenced by pop art and is a reaction against expressionism. Unlike abstract art and conceptual art, photorealistic painting is done by an artist with the advanced technical ability to paint realistic images on canvas. Famous artists of this style include Glennary Tetor, Robert Bechtel, Tom Blackwell, Don Eddy, and Cindy Wright.


Extreme realism is a development in the photographic realism movement. Artists use high-quality cameras to take pictures and draw them on canvas. Compared to photorealism, hyperrealism paintings have exaggerated shadows and make inanimate objects appear alive, even though they normally do not have such characteristics. Hyperrealism emphasizes artificial reality. Popular painters of this style include Robert Bechtel, Richard Estes, Burt Monroy, Don Hansen, and Charles Bell.

Hyperrealism art

Hyperrealism art


Minimalism is an artistic movement that, as expected from its name, is characterized by its simplicity. Minimalist paintings simplify painting subjects to the essence of that subject. Instead of expressing many emotions, which is a sign of the abstract expressionist style, the art of minimalism paints just what the artist believes is necessary. Famous artists of this style include Brent Newman, Kazimir Malevich, Piet Mandarin, and Frank Stellas.


Futurism is a painting style that is related to topics such as technology, speed, violence, and the future of the world. This style is related to the image of human domination over nature. This movement admires originality. To recreate such emotional power on canvas, Futurist painting adopts the Cubist painting style, where they represent the painting’s subjects in the form of geometric shapes to show the movement in the created work. David Berliok, Aristar Lentolof, Fortunato Depero and Gerardo Dottori are the most well-known futurist artists.

Futurism art

Futurism art


Impressionism is one of the first styles of modern Persian art that arose in Paris, France. One of its characteristics is the use of thin strokes and emphasis on the presence of light in the image. Visual artists often paint outdoors to capture sunlight and the colors they want. In the 1870s, Impressionist paintings were radical because they did not follow recipes. Famous painters of this style are Claude Manet, Pierre-Auguste Reno, Camille Pissarro and Armand Jolamin.


Fauvism is an art movement that arose shortly after Impressionism. While Impressionism had a realistic presentation of the painting’s subject, Fauvism’s paintings focused on the use of harsh and unconventional colors. Artists of this style use aggressive strokes and simplified shapes. Among the popular painters of this style are Andre Derain, Henri Matisse, Charles Camoin, and Maurice Marinate.

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